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Ofsted Section 8 Inspection October 2018

I am very pleased to inform you that following our very successful Section 8 Inspection on Tuesday 9th October 2018

For clarity and information, if required, a Section 8 Inspection is a short inspection of schools judged as ‘Good’ overall in their most recent Section 5 Inspection, to determine whether the school continues to provide a good standard of education for pupils and that safeguarding is effective.

It is important to note that a short inspection cannot result in individual grade judgements; instead there are four possible outcomes with the best outcome reading as follows from the Ofsted school inspection handbook: ‘The school remains good and there is sufficient evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school may be judged outstanding if it received a Section 5 Inspection now.

I am delighted to report that this is the outcome we received. The school will undergo a Section 5 Inspection within the next 1 – 2 years.

The inspection letter bears testament both to this and to the significant improvements made since our last inspection in December 2012. The inspection letter holds no surprises and we are clear about our school priorities and our next steps for ongoing improvements on our trajectory to outstanding.

Ofsted noted specifically:

  • ‘Pupils have an extremely positive attitude to learning. They work very hard and are proud of their achievements.’
  • ‘Pupils are resilient and enjoy the challenges that teachers plan for them. They are not afraid to take risks.’
  • ‘Pupils are ambitious about what they can achieve. As a result pupils complete tasks to very high standards.’
  • ‘Staff are motivated and committed to ensuring that pupils at St Alban’s receive the very best education.’
  • ‘Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school.’

I ask that you please take some time to read the inspection letter and thank you for doing so. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the hard work of all the children, staff, governors and you as parents and carers, for the contribution given to achieving this outcome.

I very much look forward to our continued work together and to our ongoing achievement and success going forward. Well done everyone!

Yours faithfully,

Mr Brannigan