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By the time that they leave St Alban’s, our aim is that all children are confident, articulate, engaged with the world around them and eager to make a difference. We value each person’s qualities as a unique child of God, and model values of inclusion and community, as well as care for the planet.

Our curriculum is designed to give children the knowledge and skills that enable them to fulfil the St Alban’s motto “Lead the way” in many diverse ways. In learning we model high aspirations built upon a strong ethical framework, and underpinned by an understanding of the value of resilience and determination. We encourage curiosity and signpost opportunities to extend learning in all topics through further research. We build cultural capital to benefit all members of our school community, and to help narrow gaps for SEND and disadvantaged pupils.

We are constantly reviewing and developing our curriculum in line with the themes underlining our intent:

  • Our curriculum ensures that learning is given purpose and subject skills and knowledge are applied meaningfully through real life experiences.
  • We inspire citizens who combine their knowledge with the wisdom and understanding that comes from real life experience.
  • Our children go out into a 21st century world ready to engage with its many challenges and possibilities. They know that they have agency and are able to play their part in their community as agents of change.
  • Our school motto is Lead the Way. We build children’s’ capacity for leadership from a young age so that they can go on to be leaders for a sustainable future.
  • We empower our children to make their own choices.
  • Children are given opportunities to lead their learning, to present outcomes in creative ways and to be valued for the diversity of what they do.
  • We strive for every child to achieve their potential, both academically and pastorally.
  • We balance the need to measure attainment and progress with the meaningful application of learning, to bring learning alive and help the children to make sense of the world.
  • We underpin all this with our ethos as a Catholic school. Weekly assemblies focus on our Gospel values applying them to real life situations and celebrating how we live these values during the week.